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- Atari POKEY Chip Simulator V1.1
- ===============================
- by Ron Fries
- 23 Sep 96
- The POKEY Chip Simulator is designed to emulate the functionality of the
- Atari POKEY Chip Hardware through 'C' Sourcecode. I have seen very good
- results. The simulator is able to produce sounds which are essentially
- identical to the original Atari, including the exact distortions and
- pitches.
- The simulator is designed to run in a 32-bit environment. Though it can
- compiled and run in a 16-bit environment, it is slow.
- Features:
- ---------
- Version 1.1 of the 'POKEY' simulator supports the following functions:
- 1) All polynomial sound generators:
- a) 4-bit poly - actual bit pattern determined from sampled sound
- b) 5-bit poly - actual bit pattern determined from sampled sound
- c) 17-bit poly - simulated random bit pattern
- d) 9-bit poly - derived from simulated 17-bit poly
- 2) Full support of all 'Divide by N' counter clocks:
- a) 1.79 MHz (high limited to playback sample rate)
- b) 64 KHz (high limited to playback sample rate)
- c) 15 KHz
- 3) Full support of all 'Divide by N' resolutions:
- a) 8-bit - single channel
- b) 16-bit - double channel
- 4) Full support of all distortions
- a) 5-bit poly, then 17-bit poly
- b) 5-bit poly only
- c) 5-bit poly, then 4-bit poly
- d) 17-bit poly only
- e) no poly counters (pure tone)
- f) 5-bit poly only
- 5) Full support of volume control
- 6) Full support of all pitches - distortions will vary exactly as the
- original Atari based on different pitches
- 7) Accurate pitch generation
- 8) Support of any playback sample rate (e.g. 22050)
- The 'POKEY' simulator does not currently support the following functions:
- 1) High pass filters
- Though I don't believe adding support for the High-Pass filters is very
- complicated, I decided not to add support right now because I don't
- believe this feature is used much. I'm also not sure how much impact it
- would have on performance.
- You'll notice in the code there are two separate versions. The original
- process function, now called Pokey_process_2(), is the non-optimized
- version. I've left it in for reference. The other function,
- Pokey_process(), is optimized. In my tests using the 'Maximize Speed'
- option of the compiler, I've seen very good performance. On my 486DX2-66,
- it typically takes about 0.15 seconds to produce about 3 seconds of audio.
- These times were calculated under WIN95.
- One of the unique features of the optimized version is that the processing
- time will vary based on the frequency. Since the routine only calculates
- new output values when a change is sensed, the lower frequencies (which
- change less frequently) will require less processing time.
- Differences Between the Simulator and the Actual POKEY Chip:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- The biggest difference between the simulator and the original hardware is
- that the simulator emulates an 'ideal' POKEY chip. All output from the
- simulator is a based on a precise square wave, whereas the output from the
- original chip has decay. Though the output is slightly different, I
- don't believe this difference is easily discernible.
- Another slight difference is the 17-bit/9-bit poly. Since the polynomial
- is large (2^17 bits), I choose to create the sample using a random number
- generator rather than a table. I don't believe this difference is
- significant.
- There are also a few differences which are introduced by aliasing. This is
- a direct result of using an output sampling rate which is not identical to
- the original sound rate. It is most evident with high frequencies.
- A final difference is the lack of support for the High-Pass Filter
- functionality. I plan to add this in a future release if necessary.
- Sample/Test Application:
- ------------------------
- The test program I've distributed is a 16-bit DOS application created with
- the Borland 'C' compiler. The only reason I used 16-bit was because I
- already had a set of working SB drivers in 16-bit. Since the test system
- is dedicated to generating sounds, the performance in 16-bit is more than
- adequate.
- ==========
- The POKEY11.C file is the heart of the POKEY Sound Emulation program.
- Although the routines in the file must work together, no other files are
- modules are required for operation. A header file, 'POKEY11.H', has
- been included for use in other modules, and provides the necessary
- function prototypes. I've attempted to make the routines as portable as
- possible, so the file should compile on almost any compiler with little
- or no modification.
- I have made some attempts at optimizing the routines, though I am sure
- more optimization can be done. They are currently only available in 'C'.
- I'll be happy to convert them to assembly language if desired. Please feel
- free to send me e-mail at rfries@tcmail.frco.com.
- The routines are easy to use. Detailed descriptions on the function calls
- are listed below.
- The POKEY11.C module can be compiled in a 32-bit or 16-bit environment.
- Since these routines are optimized for 32-bit use, the code will default
- to 32-bit. To compile in 16-bits, use a command line option to define
- the variable COMP16.
- ----------------
- On start-up of the system, a single call should be made to Pokey_sound_init.
- This routine will prepare the structures for sound output. This routine
- can be called again if necessary during warm-start or other reset.
- Once in the main loop, there are two other functions that will be used.
- Whenever the system needs to write to either the AUDC or AUDF values,
- a call should be made to the Update_pokey_sound routine. This routine will
- take care of updating the internal registers. It will pre-calculate several
- values to help with optimization.
- The only other routine that is called is the Pokey_process function. This
- function will fill a audio buffer with a specified number of bytes. This
- function should be called whenever a new audio buffer is required.
- For best results, I recommend using at least two output buffers. Using this
- scheme, the sound card can be playing one buffer while the system is filling
- the other.
- ------------------------------
- Pokey_sound_init(uint32 freq17, uint16 playback_freq)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- This function initializes the structures used by the PokeySound routines.
- This function takes two parameters: the main clock frequency and the
- playback frequency.
- The main clock frequency is the frequency of the 1.79MHz source clock.
- To provide exact results, freq17 should be set equal to 1789790 Hz. As an
- alternative, freq17 can be set to an approximate frequency of 1787520 Hz.
- Using this approximate frequency will reduce aliasing and thus produce a
- clearer output signal.
- A constant has been defined for both of these values for your convenience.
- The names are FREQ_17_EXACT and FREQ_17_APPROX.
- The playback frequency is the frequency of the sound playback (the frequency
- used by the sound card). For best results, the playback frequency should
- be an even division of the main clock frequency. Since most of the sounds
- will be generated using the 64kHz clock, I also recommend making the
- playback frequency an even division of the 64kHz clock.
- The 64kHz clock is exactly equal to the main clock divided by 28. For
- the playback frequency, I recommend one of the following values:
- 1) FREQ_17_APPROX / (28*1), which is equal to 63840. Of course, most sound
- cards can't reproduce this frequency.
- 2) FREQ_17_APPROX / (28*2), which is equal to 31920. All of the newer cards
- will support this frequency.
- 3) FREQ_17_APPROX / (28*3), which is equal to 21280. All of the SB
- compatibles should support this frequency.
- 4) FREQ_17_APPROX / (28*4), which is equal to 15960. This may be the
- best choice, as it offers good sound reproduction with good performance.
- Of course, these options also assume you are using the approximate
- frequency for the main clock as well. Any of these choices will offer the
- best results when the main 64kHz clock is used, reasonable results when the
- 15kHz clock is selected, and marginal results when the 1.79MHz clock is
- selected (the only way to produce good results in all cases is to set the
- playback frequency to 1.79MHz!)
- Feel free to experiment to find other alternatives as well.
- This function has no return value (void).
- Update_pokey_sound (uint16 addr, uint8 val)
- -----------------------------------------
- This function should be called each time an AUDC, AUDF or AUDCTL value
- changes. This function takes two parameters: the address to change and
- the new value. The address should be one of the following values:
- Addr Description
- ------ -----------
- 0xd200 AUDF1
- 0xd201 AUDC1
- 0xd202 AUDF2
- 0xd203 AUDC2
- 0xd204 AUDF3
- 0xd205 AUDC3
- 0xd206 AUDF4
- 0xd207 AUDC4
- 0xd208 AUDCTL
- Any values outside of this range will be ignored.
- The routine pre-calculates several values that are needed by the
- processing function. This is done to optimize performance.
- This function has no return value (void).
- Pokey_process (unsigned char *buffer, uint16 n)
- ---------------------------------------------
- This function calculates and fills a buffer with unsigned 8-bit mono audio.
- This function takes two parameters: a pointer to the buffer to fill and
- the size of the buffer (limited to 65535). This function fills the
- buffer based on the requested size and returns. It automatically
- updates the pointers for the next call, so subsequent calls to this function
- will provide a continuous stream of data.
- The size of the buffer that is needed depends on the playback frequency.
- It is best to keep the buffer as small as possible to maximize response time
- to changes in the sound. Of course, the minimum size is dependent on
- system and emulator performance.
- Selecting the correct buffer size is a careful balance. Selecting a buffer
- size that is too small will produce noticeable clicks in the output, though
- selecting a size that is too large will cause a poor response time and
- possible delays in the system when the new buffer is filled.
- This function has no return value (void).
- License Information and Copyright Notice
- ========================================
- PokeySound is Copyright(c) 1996 by Ron Fries
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of version 2 of the GNU Library General Public License as published
- by the Free Software Foundation.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more
- details.
- To obtain a copy of the GNU Library General Public License, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Any permitted reproduction of these routines, in whole or in part, must bear
- this legend.